Adres: | Roeselaarsestraat 9 B |
Postcode: | 8850 |
Gemeente: | ARDOOIE |
Telefoon(s): | +32 (0) 51 747 374 |
Fax: | +32 (0) 51 746 936 |
Emailadres (algemeen): | info@calsa.be |
Website: | https://calsa.be/ |
Producten en activiteiten
Groenten en Fruit
- Witloof
- Tomaten
- Kropsla
- Andere slasoorten
- Uien/sjalot
- Champignons/oesterzwammen
- Selder
- Bonen/snijbonen
- Wortelen
- Bloemkool/broccoli
- Koolsoorten
- Asperges
- Komkommers
- Paprika
- Prei
- Erwten
- Knolselder
- Spruiten
- Schorseneren
- Courgetten
- Radijzen
- Aubergines
- Appelen
- Peren
- Aardbeien
- Kersen
- Ander kleinfruit
- Druiven
- Citrusvruchten
- Exoten
Verse groenten
Vers fruit
Groenten en Fruit
- Andere slasoorten
- Asperges
- Aubergines
- Bloemkool/broccoli
- Bonen/snijbonen
- Champignons/oesterzwammen
- Courgetten
- Erwten
- Knolselder
- Komkommers
- Koolsoorten
- Kropsla
- Paprika
- Prei
- Radijzen
- Schorseneren
- Selder
- Spruiten
- Tomaten
- Uien/sjalot
- Witloof
- Wortelen
- Aardbeien
- Appelen
- Citrusvruchten
- Druiven
- Exoten
- Kersen
- Ander kleinfruit
- Peren
Verse groenten
Vers fruit
Groenten en Fruit
groothandelaar, importeur, trader, transport, verpakking
Export naar
Andere Europese landen
- Verenigd Koninkrijk
- Cambodja
- Laos
- Myanmar
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Maleisië
- Indonesië
- Vietnam
- Andere Aziatische landen
- Filippijnen
- Spanje
- Malta
- Nederland
- Oostenrijk
- Polen
- Portugal
- Roemenië
- Slovenië
- Slowakije
- Tsjechische Republiek
- Litouwen
- Zweden
- Luxemburg
- Letland
- Bulgarije
- Cyprus
- Denemarken
- Duitsland
- Estland
- Finland
- Frankrijk
- Griekenland
- Hongarije
- Ierland
- Italië
Over het bedrijf
Calsa is an export company trading in fresh fruit and vegetables. Dozens of clients in every corner of the world have been served every day since 1939. Our strength is our wide range of products, our motivated and competent sales team, the well-developed logistical network and large volume that we sell so that we can offer competitive prices every day geared to each client. We have several branches close to the production areas, keeping the costs of logistics as low as possible and increasing flexibility substantially. Every single day our years of experience and contacts all over the world are placed entirely at the disposal of each client, whether big or small.
Main products:
Leeks, tomatoes, bell peppers, lettuce, celeriac, carrots, aubergines, pears, apples, nectarines and peaches.
Main export destinations:
France, Spain, Russia, Scandinavia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Baltic States, Germany (with our sister company Weiss bvba), but also overseas clients in South-East Asia, Middle-East or Canada.